




TIANJIN MINGJIULIXING INTERNATIONAL CO.,LTD common nails, wire nails ,umbrella roofing nails ,clout nails ,coil nails ,”U” type nails ,plastic strip nails and plastic cap nails so on and so on . Company agents and operates a number of world-renowned top-brand products, looking at the most crucial time for you to provide the most comprehensive on-site solutions and best products and services.
Companies adhering to the "professionalism, integrity, cooperation and innovation" business philosophy, dedicated to hardware tools, oil field piping system to provide customers with world-class products and services. With years of experience, service innovation and product upgrading, our high-quality products and quality service to customers across the industry have the same recognition.
Creating "Customers trust the brand preferred supplier" is our continuous pursuit of the goal, we always use this to strict demands on ourselves.
Relying on the rapid development of Internet opportunities, the company constantly innovate marketing model, aimed at the development direction of overseas counterparts, actively accelerate overseas acquisitions and cross-border electricity supplier process, in order to point conduct foreign technology transfer and acquisition, to enhance science and technology soft power, industrial Internet plus modern high science and technology enterprises, the final completion of the domestic private enterprises to multinational private enterprises across a century to build private enterprises, and realize long-term development.



主营行业 钢铁,机床,五金、工具,机械及行业设备,建材、家装,传媒、广电,电工电气,照明工业 员工人数 11-50人
主营产品 紧固件, 镀锌钢管, 石油套管, 镀锌带, 镀锌卷板 年营业额 1500万人民币
销售区域 海外,华东,华北,华南,华中,东北,西南,西北 客户群体 贸易商, 超市, 钻井工程公司, 制造商

工商注册信息 查看认证信息

公司性质 有限责任公司 注册地址 天津天津天津市武清区下朱庄街京津公路东侧华北城E区31栋106-28
经营模式 生产厂家 注册资金 50.000000万人民币


公司名称 天津市明久利兴国际贸易有限公司 注册地址 天津市武清区下朱庄街京津公路东侧华北城E区31栋106-28(集中办公区)
注册资本 50.000000万人民币 成立日期 2011年08月18日
注册账号 9112022258131287XL 法定代表人 赵红峰
登记机关 天津市武清区工商行政管理局 企业类型 有限责任公司
营业期限 未填写 年检时间 2015
经营范围 货物进出口(法律法规禁止的除外),钢材、五金交电、机械设备(汽车除外)、电子产品、金属制品、汽车零配件、塑料制品、建筑材料批发兼零售。(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动)
